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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Erotica & Curiosa

[OFFUTT, Andrew J. - writing as John Cleve] The Governess (1975, artwork by Eric Stanton)


[OFFUTT, Andrew J. - writing as John Cleve] The Governess (1975, artwork by Eric Stanton)


New York: Stanton Archives, 1975. First Printing (stated). Stapled color card covers. Octavo. 48pp. Color cover art by Eric Stanton plus 88 additional illustrations inside by Stanton. Fine.

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Okay, whatever you do, don't call Miss Temple (your new Governess, whom you've just met) a cunt! This can only lead to trouble. And it sure does. And in situations that are likely to arise, make sure you hide all of the liquor bottles so they can't be used in certain ways. This is sound advice. The insane dialogue is by Andrew J. Offutt, writing as John Cleve. Offutt used many pseudonyms during his writing career including Turk Winter.