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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Erotica & Curiosa

[STANTON, Eric] Rosaria. Peerless Sales Cartoon Folio #115 (1960)


[STANTON, Eric] Rosaria. Peerless Sales Cartoon Folio #115 (1960)


New York: Peerless Sales (Max Stone), 1960. First Edition. One large folded sheet (making four 8.5 x 11 inch pages). With 4 full pages of art by Stan (Eric Stanton). A fine copy.

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This is one of the original paper folios by Eric Stanton, all of which were issued from 1958-1960. It is NOT one of the commonly found mimeographed reprints produced in later years. The subject matter of these illustrated Peerless stories included women/men in bondage poses, femdom, female wrestling/fighting and much more. There was absolutely no nudity. This particular folio features a classic Stanton catfight with one man looking on who then gets involved. The two women turn on him. What a surprise. The dialogue is by P. Gomez