Erotica & Curiosa
[KLAW, Irving] Bizarre Photos from the Archives of Irving Klaw (4 Volumes, Complete)
[KLAW, Irving] Bizarre Photos from the Archives of Irving Klaw (4 Volumes, Complete)
New York: Belier Press, 1978-1980. First Editions. Softcover. Quarto. 4 volumes, each issued separately. Each issue about 48 pages. Illustrated throughout with photographs in b&w. 250 or more photographs per volume. Slight corner bump to volume two, volume four has a price sticker to upper right front. Otherwise all volumes in about fine condition. Scarce as a complete set.
This is an unsurpassed collection of bondage photos from the Irving Klaw archives. The first three volumes have introductory texts on inside covers, otherwise the entire contents of all volumes are photographs. A superb collection of images.