Erotica & Curiosa
[WILLIE, John (John A.S. Coutts)] The Adventures of Sweet Gwendoline
[WILLIE, John (John A.S. Coutts)] The Adventures of Sweet Gwendoline
Edited and with an Introduction by J.B. Rund
New York: Belier Press, 1999. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Hardcover. Large quarto. 368pp. Bound in white pictorial boards, issued without dust jacket. Page marker ribbon. Illustrated throughout in b/w by John Willie with a color section of plates at end of volume. A near fine copy.
This updated edition has almost 250 additional pages than the first edition. It includes the complete cartoon of Sweet Gwendoline, the complete uncensored (and best quality) version of Gwendoline and "The Missing Princess", additional cartoons, sketches by Willie in b/w and in color, informative text, and much more.