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Specializing in Rare and Antiquarian Books on the Occult and more.

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[DOWNS, T. Nelson] Tricks with Coins. Embracing Every Sleight and Subtlety Invented and Known (1902)


[DOWNS, T. Nelson] Tricks with Coins. Embracing Every Sleight and Subtlety Invented and Known (1902)

Sale Price:$10.00 Original Price:$30.00

Edited by William J. Hilliar

Chicago: Frederick J. Drake & Company, 1902. First Edition. Original pictorial wrappers. 12mo (4.25 x 6.5 inches). 164 pp., plus 26 pages of publisher's ads. with 86 illustrations in b&w. Book has been bumped or dropped resulting in a bend that affects the entire volume. Still completely readable. Outer cover is starting to separate from text pages. A good to very good copy of this scarce volume.

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Includes a complete explanation of Downs' world-famous coin creation, "The Miser's Dream," as presented by him at the Palace Theatre. London, for nearly 200 consecutive performances.