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Specializing in Rare and Antiquarian Books on the Occult and more.

All Magic, Conjuring & Illusion Books NOW ON SALE

[GRANT, U. F.] Grant's Super Magical Secrets (1928)


[GRANT, U. F.] Grant's Super Magical Secrets (1928)

Sale Price:$20.00 Original Price:$40.00

Pittsfield, MA: U. F. Grant, No date [1928]. First Edition. Stapled card covers (4.25 x 6.25 inches). Unpaginated [29 pages]. With b&w illustrations. Fine.

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From Grant's foreword: "I would like to mention that the author is a well known magician, and having a creative brain, he is able to originate magical problems of a practical nature, and the reader may be assured that each effect has been tried and found perfect". The following tricks are presented: Mecca; Hindoo Rope and Rising Card; Grant's Super Rope Trick; Pearls of Persia; Magic Hand and Mystic Rings; Grant's Super Die Box; A Bedtime Story; Sambo the Human Hen; Mah Jong Mystery Sticks; Super Prediction; Vanishing Die And Appearing Girl; Dr. Jeykell And Mr. Hyde.