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Specializing in Rare and Antiquarian Books on the Occult and more.

All Magic, Conjuring & Illusion Books NOW ON SALE

[HAWKINS, James Lee] It's the Devil That Counts. An Original Card Mystery with Improvements (1944)

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[HAWKINS, James Lee] It's the Devil That Counts. An Original Card Mystery with Improvements (1944)

Sale Price:$20.00 Original Price:$40.00

No place: Published by the Author, 1944. No edition stated. Stapled red textured card covers showing three aces, one with a devil-head profile. 4 pages. Ad for special card decks on inside back cover. Fine. Scarce. OCLC Lists no record of this one.

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An original and baffling card counting trick. Explains the effect and the secret. Short and sweet.