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Specializing in Rare and Antiquarian Books on the Occult and more.

All Magic, Conjuring & Illusion Books NOW ON SALE

[MCKNIGHT, James - Editor] The Modern Magician. Vol 1. No. 4. January - February - March 1933


[MCKNIGHT, James - Editor] The Modern Magician. Vol 1. No. 4. January - February - March 1933

Sale Price:$10.00 Original Price:$35.00

Newark, NJ: James McKnight, 1933. Stapled wrappers. 12 pp. Very good.

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This issue includes a short autobiography of Frank Lane, and more. Modern Magician ("A Monthly Publication by Magicians for Magicians") was a Magic Periodical edited by James McKnight from Newark, New Jersey and published during the depression from 1932 to 1934. It started as a monthly, but then issued quarterly after the first three issues.