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Specializing in Rare and Antiquarian Books on the Occult and more.

All Magic, Conjuring & Illusion Books NOW ON SALE

[PACHECO, Martin] Exposicion de La Magia. 400 anos de ilusion. Coleccion Martin Pacheco, Buenos Aires, Junio 2007

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[PACHECO, Martin] Exposicion de La Magia. 400 anos de ilusion. Coleccion Martin Pacheco, Buenos Aires, Junio 2007

Sale Price:$20.00 Original Price:$50.00

Buenos Aires: Museo Nacional De Arte Decorativo, 2007. First Edition. paperback. Large quarto. Unpaginated [112pp]. Text in Spanish and English. Beautifully illustrated in full color throughout. Near fine.

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Amazing catalogue of the Martin Pacheco magic collection which was exhibited at the National Museum of Decorative Arts in Buenos Aires Argentina. With over 240 color photographs, the vast majority of which show posters, but also apparatus, ephemera, magic sets and books. The images are stunning to say the least. A superb collection.