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Specializing in Rare and Antiquarian Books on the Occult and more.

All Magic, Conjuring & Illusion Books NOW ON SALE

[TORINO, Senor (Tony Kardyro)] Dovetail Deceptions (1955)


[TORINO, Senor (Tony Kardyro)] Dovetail Deceptions (1955)

Sale Price:$5.00 Original Price:$20.00

New York: Louis Tannen, No date [1955]. Stapled wrappers. 30 pp. Printed on glossy paper. Illustrated with photographs. Very Good.

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Here are 17 tricks and effects using doves. Tony Kardyro began his career performing as "Tony London", changing it to "Tony Kardyro" around 1933. He also performed as "Senor Torino, the Continental Deceptionist" when presenting his dove act. He once explained his working under so many names by saying that he had worked all the venues and a new name was needed for new bookings. He was the originator of the Dove Bag.