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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Occult & Esoterica

[FANGER, Claire (Editor)] Conjuring Spirits: Texts And Traditions Of Medieval Ritual Magic (Hardcover)


[FANGER, Claire (Editor)] Conjuring Spirits: Texts And Traditions Of Medieval Ritual Magic (Hardcover)


UK: Sutton Publishing, 1998. First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. Blue cloth with gilt spine titles. [xviii], 284pp. Black and white illustrations. Scarce in hardcover. A fine copy in like dust jacket.

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A collection of scholarly essays concerning medieval magical manuscripts, both “demonic” and “angelic” in nature. Various manuscripts of the Ars Notoria and the Sworn Book of Honorius are featured prominently, along with lesser known works such as The Book of Angels, Rings, Characters and Images of the Planets, which, despite its title, is chiefly demonic in its orientation, and consists of a fair amount of astrological magic. There is also liber visionum, or, The Book of the Visions of the Blessed and Undefiled Virgin Mary, which was an attempt to recuperate the condemned Notary Art of Solomon into the domain of legitimate religious practice. Other manuscripts are discussed including the Secretum Philosophorum, which is not a ritual magic text but includes alchemical and hermetic information, along with what is referred to as “faux-theurgic” material. The detailed notes to each chapter are quite informative as they not only mention several additional manuscripts which have yet to be fully researched, but also provide a number of scholarly references to aid in further study. Contributors to this volume include Fanger, as well as Frank Klaasen, Richard Kieckhefer, Robert Mathieson, Michael Camille, Elizabeth Wade (on Lullian Divination), and others.