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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Occult & Esoterica

[GAUNTLETT, Edward] Shades in Mauve: A History of the Typhonian Tradition (Deluxe 1st edition with sigil card)


[GAUNTLETT, Edward] Shades in Mauve: A History of the Typhonian Tradition (Deluxe 1st edition with sigil card)


Introduction by Michael Staley

[New York]: Von Zos, 2015. First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. 104pp. This is the special deluxe edition of 40 signed and numbered copies, this being No. 40. Includes a specially developed color sigil which is laid in with its own tissue guard. The book is signed by Edward Gauntlett at the end of the volume. Bound in green cloth with gilt titles to front and spine. Color frontispiece. A fine copy in a fine slipcase.

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The Typhonian Tradition is the purest recension of the ancient magical traditions. There is no physical apostolic succession of adepts down the ages. Rather, the Tradition percolates through the minds of those capable of carrying it: poets, artists and creative occultists. From their works elements of it are projected in novel impressions down the ages. Shades in Mauve takes the form of an historical survey of certain streams that have fed the Typhonian Current from the distant past until comparatively recent times. Beginning with the most ancient headwaters in prehistoric Africa, it notes the appearance of springs and tributaries rising here and there throughout European history. Emphasis is placed upon the artistic and creative nature of the Current; an emphasis not amenable to a purely academic approach. Kenneth Grant’s work forms a constant undercurrent to the discussion. The text leads out from themes that initially appeared in The Magical Revival and elaborates upon some of the topics in that first volume of the trilogies.