Occult & Esoterica
[SOROR PASHT AKHTI + FRATER ANSHAR (Cultus Sabbati)] Catalogue of Books, Ritual Texts, Artwork, Ephemera, etc. (Caduceus Books)
[SOROR PASHT AKHTI + FRATER ANSHAR (Cultus Sabbati)] Catalogue of Books, Ritual Texts, Artwork, Ephemera, etc. (Caduceus Books)
[UK]: Caduceus Books, 2015. First Edition. Wrappers with red string-tie. Quarto. Black card stock covers with Caduceus Books label to front. Artwork of Andrew Chumbley's hands feauring numerous mudras drawn by Soror Pasht Akhti pasted onto inner covers (front and rear). Unpaginated [38pp]. Features two fold-out pages listing and explaining the inner and outer editions of Chumbley's The Dragon Book of Essex, including various ritual texts for private use. Illustrated throughout with Soror Pasht Akhti's artwork on full page plates, most on glossy paper. A very unusual reference work. NOTE: the catalogue does not include the original prices for the items listed. The prices were listed on the Caduceus Books website during the initial sale and for a very short time after. A near fine copy of this hard to find resource.
Copies of this catalogue were only available to those who purchased an item from it, with each item coming with a Certificate of Provenance which was signed by Ben Fernee (proprietor of Caduceus Books). This is just the catalogue (a treasure in itself) and it does NOT accompany any item that was listed in the catalogue.
Soror Pasht Akhti & Frater Anshar were members of the original Cultus Sabbati when first formed by Andrew Chumbley. In addition, they were founder members of the Column, the inner group which developed and worked the system of rituals that formed the Dragon Book of Essex and also the Ku-Sebittu, the ritual group that united members of the Cultus Sabbati and the Typhonian O.T.O. They also engaged in numerous personal workings which informed and expressed Cultus work. The catalog items include a number of ritual texts (Ku-Sebittu and Serpent Cross), additional typescripts, books, artwork, journals, and ephemera. These items give insight into the nature of the Cultus Sabbati and its magickal workings. The artwork is especially informative, recording astral perceptions of magical workings, the dreams and visions which inspired and resulted from the magic and are explorations of the nature of the beings contacted and the workings undertaken.