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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Occult & Esoterica

[SOROR PASHT-AKHTI] Original Artwork: Untitled 3 (Cultus Sabbati)


[SOROR PASHT-AKHTI] Original Artwork: Untitled 3 (Cultus Sabbati)


An original artwork: Untitled 3 (A grieving Priestess below a proud vulva): Pen on paper. Measures 11cm x 7cm in A4 grey card frame. This piece was from the collection of Soror Pasht Akhti & Frater Anshar of the Cultus Sabbati. The collection was originally sold by Caduceus Books (Ben Fernee). It comes with the original certificate of provenance signed by Ben Fernee. Artwork is in fine condition.

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Soror Pasht-Akhti was a member of the Cultus Sabbati under Andrew Chumbley. This particular drawing was published in “Starfire” Journal of the New Aeon. Vol. II No. 1, to illustrate an article entitled Bastrum-Enoi / Ast Rubi-Onem by the artist.