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[ALLEN, Thomas George] The Book of the Dead or Going Forth By Day: Ideas of the Ancient Egyptians Concerning the Hereafter as Expressed in Their Own Terms


[ALLEN, Thomas George] The Book of the Dead or Going Forth By Day: Ideas of the Ancient Egyptians Concerning the Hereafter as Expressed in Their Own Terms


Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974. First Edition. Original card wrappers. 4to (9 x 12 inches). 306 pages. Light wear to corners and head of spine. Former owner's neatly written name, date, and city to lower right of title page. A very good copy.

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This is No. 37 in the Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization series from The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. The author has prepared this volume in order to replace the English version of The Book of the Dead currently in use at the time, that of Dr. E. A. Wallis Budge, long-time Keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum. Budge’s translations were first published in 1898; a second edition, “revised and enlarged”, appeared in 1909 and is still being reprinted. Budge’s translations represent at best the state of Egyptology in the early 20th century. Allen, in these new translations, has taken into account many of the advances in the study of Egyptian vocabulary and grammar, based on results of more recent excavations, newly found or newly available source documents, more accurate copies of texts previously known, and fresh studies in many aspects of Egyptian life. Included among the older material are many additional spells that are here translated for the first time. In addition to the new translations, there are appendices which cover the correlations between parts of the Book of the Dead and its predecessors, and a list of Ancient Egyptian documents cited. The book concludes with two indexes: one of names, epithets, and subjects, and one of Egyptian words.