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[ANKARLOO, Bengt; CLARK, Stuart (editors)] Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: Biblical and Pagan Societies


[ANKARLOO, Bengt; CLARK, Stuart (editors)] Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: Biblical and Pagan Societies


Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. First US Edition. Paperback. Octavo. xvii + 168pp. Light corner wear. A very good or better copy.

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In the ancient Near East, the art of influencing the natural course of events by means of spells and other ritual forms was universal. The social and political role of magic is apparent, too, in the competition to achieve precedence over rival systems of ritual practice and belief. Within a region filled with petty kingdoms competing for power, the Jews of ancient Palestine maintained control over adherents by developing distinct ritual practices and condemning as heretical those of nearby cults. Texts from Mesopotamia reveal a striking number of incantations, rituals, and medical recipes against witchcraft, attesting to a profound fear of being bewitched. Magical rituals were also used to maintain harmony between the human and divine realms.