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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

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[AVENI, Anthony F.] Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico


[AVENI, Anthony F.] Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico


Foreword by Owen Gingerich

Austin: University of Texas Press, 1983. Second cloth printing. Hardcover in dust jacket. Quarto. 355pp. Black cloth with silver spine titles. With b&w photos, illustrations, tables and charts. Former owner's blind ownership stamp to free endpaper. A fine copy in a very good dust jacket.

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Combining as it does the romance of space with the mystery of the past, the study of pre-Columbian skywatchers of the New World has drawn increasing scientific and popular attention in recent years. Aveni, one of the pioneers in this new interdisciplinary field, couples basic astronomy with archaeological and ethnological data to present a readable and entertaining synthesis of what is known of ancient astronomy in this hemisphere.