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[CHUMBLEY, Andrew D.] Opuscula Magica Volumes 1 and 2


[CHUMBLEY, Andrew D.] Opuscula Magica Volumes 1 and 2


Richmond Vista: Three Hands Press, 2010. First Edition. First standard editions. Hardcovers. Octavo. 2 cloth bound volumes (all published) in original dust jackets printed in letterpress. Each volume limited to 726 hand-numbered copies. With numerous illustrations by the author. Details on each volume below. Both volumes are in fine condition in fine dust jackets.

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The Opuscula Magica series presents short exegetical works on magic by the British occult author Andrew D. Chumbley (1967-2004) including his magical essays, homilies, and other obscure works which originally appeared in small-circulation occult journals, now out of print. The essays in these two volumes are considered to be lesser known works, however, they do present much initiated commentary on Traditional Craft, the Art and Nature of Magic and Crooked Path Sorcery, the Question of Sacrifice, and the Secret Nature of Ritual.

Volume One: Essays: Witchcraft and the Sabbatic Tradition. Deluxe Edition slipcase. Limited to 242 hand-numbered copies. Quarter black morocco over charcoal boards, blocked in black with an illustration by Chumbley. Gilt titles and devices to spine. Issued without dust jacket. Housed in a cloth bound slipcase. 152 pages. With black and white illustrations by the author. Volume one contains nine essays written between 1990 and 2003, including one previously unpublished. This volume also includes an Author’s Introduction never before published, as well as an expanded version of the interview with Chumbley in The Cauldron Magazine. The essays reflect a degree of magical insight, clarity of vision, and creativity seldom equaled in occult writing to this day.

Volume Two: Essays: Witchcraft and Crooked Path Sorcery. Deluxe Edition in slipcase. Limited to 144 hand-numbered copies. Quarter bound in brown leather over cloth covered boards. Blind stamped image to front cover. Gilt titles and devices to spine. Issued without dust jacket. 128 pages. With black and white illustrations by the author. Volume two contains ten essays written between 1992 and 2000, including one previously unpublished. Expanding upon themes developed in Opuscula Volume I, the book also treats Crooked Path Sorcery, a transcendental ethos of traditional witchcraft having parallels in such traditions as Petro Voudon. Also new in this volume is an Author's Preface, as well as Robert Fitzgerald's rare 1996 interview with Chumbley in Esoterra. The 1999 article 'Gnosis For the Flesh Eternal' appears here for the first time, being a much-expanded version of 'Wisdom For the New Flesh' which first appeared in Starfire. Also included in this second volume are nine Azoëtia-era illustrations which have never before seen print.