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[CROWLEY, Aleister] The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: An Autohagiography (1st US Edition)


[CROWLEY, Aleister] The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: An Autohagiography (1st US Edition)


Edited by John Symonds and Kenneth Grant

New York: Hill and Wang, 1970. First American Edition. Hardcover. Thick octavo. Black cloth with pink self portrait (with facsimile signature) of Crowley to front panel. Gilt titles to spine. 960 pages. Black and white photographs and illustrations. Some rubbing to spine affecting some of the gilt lettering. Dust jacket with edge wear, rubbing, one closed tear, and wear to spine ends. A very good copy in like dust jacket.

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This is Crowley’s partial autobiography covering the early years of his life up until the mid to late 1920s. It was originally published in two large volumes by Mandrake Press in 1929 under the title “The Spirit of Solitude”. Crowley had originally intended the work to be published in six volumes, but only two of these had been published before the Great Depression and various internal disputes led to the demise of the publishers. The project languished uncompleted throughout Crowley's lifetime, and it was not until 1969 (the UK edition) that the Confessions were issued in a single volume edition, edited by John Symonds and Kenneth Grant.