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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

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[GRIFFITHS, Bill] Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Magic


[GRIFFITHS, Bill] Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Magic


Norfolk, UK: Anglo-Saxon Books, 2003. Revised Edition. Hardcover in dust jacket. Large octavo. 257pp. Black cloth with gilt spine titles. A near fine copy in like dust jacket.

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Animal sacrifice, elf charms, amulets, divination, astronomy, astrology: an investigation into the practice, methods and ideas associated with Anglo-Saxon magic. The evidence presented is wide-ranging and authoritative. Inevitably some of the sources are familiar, but in association with archaeology, or other less frequently consulted texts, new perspectives are revealed. The book includes a large selection of the most relevant material, presented in the original and translated.