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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

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[HOWARD, Michael; SCHULKE, Daniel A. (Editors)] Hands of Apostasy. Essays on Traditional Witchcraft


[HOWARD, Michael; SCHULKE, Daniel A. (Editors)] Hands of Apostasy. Essays on Traditional Witchcraft


Three Hands Press, 2014. First Edition. Hardcover in dust jacket. Octavo. 367 pp. Limited to 1000 copies. With b/w illustrations. Three Hands Press bookmark laid in. A fine copy in a near fine dust jacket.

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A groundbreaking witchcraft anthology presenting nineteen articles written by both scholars and practitioners, addressing such crucial Old Craft topics as the Devil, Initiation, the relation of witchcraft to the grimoire corpus, the mysticism and magic of herbs, folk-charming, the nocturnal flight, the Romantic movement, the witches’ cauldron, and the powers of moon and tide. Contributors include Andrew D. Chumbley, David Rankine, Martin Duffy, Cecil Williamson, Michael Howard, Daniel A. Schulke, Levannah Morgan, Peter Hamilton Giles, Lee Morgan, Gemma Gary, and others.