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[KLANICZAY, Gabor; POCS, Eva (editors)] Demons, Spirits, Witches (3 Volumes, Complete)
[KLANICZAY, Gabor; POCS, Eva (editors)] Demons, Spirits, Witches (3 Volumes, Complete)
Full titles: Demons, Spirits, Witches (3 Volumes, Complete). Volume 1: Communicating with the Spirits; Volume 2: Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology; Volume 3: Witchcraft Mythologies and Persecutions
In collaboration with Eszter Csonka-Takacs
Budapest / New York: Central European University Press, 2005 - 2008. First Editions. Hardcover. Octavo. Three volumes, each issued separately. 295, 284, 351pp. A few b&w illustrations. Some mild sticker residue to back of DJ on volume 2. Otherwise all volumes in fine condition with fine dust jackets.
Volume 1: Communicating with the Spirits (2005): Focuses on the problem of communication with the other world: the phenomenon of spirit possession and its changing historical interpretations, the imaginary schemes elaborated for giving accounts of the journeys to the other world, for communicating with the dead, and finally the historical archetypes of this kind of religious manifestation―trance prophecy, divination, and shamanism.Recognized historians and ethnologists analyze the relationship, coexistence and conflicts of popular belief systems, Judeo-Christian mythology and demonology in medieval and modern Europe. The essays address links between rites and beliefs, folklore and literature; the legacy of various pre-Christian mythologies; the syncretic forms of ancient, medieval and modern belief- and rite-systems; "pure" examples from religious-ethnological research outside Europe to elucidate European problems.
Volume 2: Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology (2006): This volume focuses on the divergence between Western and Eastern evolution, on the different relationship of learned demonology to popular belief systems in the two parts of Europe. It discusses the conflict of saints, healers, seers, shamans with the representatives of evil; the special function of escorting, protecting, possessing, harming and healing spirits; the role of the dead, the ghosts, of pre-Christian, Jewish and Christian spirit-world, the antagonism of the devil and the saint.
Volume 3: Witchcraft Mythologies and Persecutions (2008): This third, concluding volume of the series publishes 14 studies and the transcription of a round-table discussion on Carlo Ginzburg's Ecstasies. The themes of the previous two volumes, Communicating with the Spirits, and Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology, are further expanded here both as regards their interdisciplinary approach and the wide range of regional comparisons. While the emphasis of the second volume was on current popular belief and folklore as seen in the context of the historical sources on demonology, this volume approaches its subject from the point of view of historical anthropology. The greatest recent advances of witchcraft research occurred recently in two fields: (1) deciphering the variety of myths and the complexity of historical processes which lead to the formation of the witches' Sabbath, (2) the micro-historical analysis of the social, religious, legal and cultural milieu where witchcraft accusations and persecutions developed. These two themes are completed by some further insights into the folklore of the concerned regions which still carries the traces of the traumatic historical memories of witchcraft persecutions.