The Cauldron (Sold Issues)
[Chumbley, Andrew D.] INVOCATION OF OUR LORD OF MIDNIGHT, MAHAZHAEL-DEVAL, being a Conjuration of the High Sabbatic Witch-Father (in The Cauldron, No. 100, 2001)
[Chumbley, Andrew D.] INVOCATION OF OUR LORD OF MIDNIGHT, MAHAZHAEL-DEVAL, being a Conjuration of the High Sabbatic Witch-Father (in The Cauldron, No. 100, 2001)
Edited by Michael Howard
The Cauldron - Witchcraft, Paganism & Folklore, No. 100 [UK]: May, 2001. First Edition. Stapled wrappers. Quarto (8.25 x 12 inches). 48pp. Cover art by Paul Atlas Saunders. Near Fine.
This issue includes Invocation of Our Lord of Midnight, Mahazhael-Deval, Being a Conjuration of the High Sabbatic Witch-Father by Andrew Chumbley. Other articles include: Green Witch-Father, the Agrarian Aspect of Cain and his Significance as Patron of Sorcery by Daniel Schulke; A Candlemass Ritual by Evan John Jones; Astragalomancer: Casting the Dice of Destiny by Nigel Jackson; By the Hand and Eye - Mediumistic Drawing and Painting by Helen Oliver (Soror Pasht Akhti); The Worship of Saints by James Spedding; Ritual and Environment by Philip Heselton; The Secret Form of Qayin - Generation and Doxology by Gavin Semple; Invocation of the Sabbatic Goat-Fathers by Robert Fitzgerald; East Anglian Traditional Spirituality by Nigel Pennick. A book review of Ars Philtron (Schulke), and many others. Numerous contributors to this issue have worked the Dragon Book of Essex material.