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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

The Cauldron (Sold Issues)

[Chumbley, Andrew D.] SEVEN SHADES OF SOLITUDE: A Brief Disquisition Concerning the Subtil Degrees of the Lonely Road ... (in The Cauldron, No. 98, 2000)

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[Chumbley, Andrew D.] SEVEN SHADES OF SOLITUDE: A Brief Disquisition Concerning the Subtil Degrees of the Lonely Road ... (in The Cauldron, No. 98, 2000)


Edited by Michael Howard

The Cauldron - Pagan Journal of the Old Religion, No. 98 [UK]: November, 2000. First Edition. Stapled wrappers. Quarto (8.25 x 12 inches). 40pp. Cover art (The Scarecrow) by Marc Potts. Near Fine.

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This issue includes Seven Shades of Solitude, A Brief Disquisition Concerning the Subtil Degrees of the Lonely Road set forth in Accordance with the Gnosis of the Sabbatic Craft Tradition by Andrew Chumbley. Other articles include: The Womb of Ceridwen by Michael Howard; Black Mary and the Sacred Blood by Frater Ashtan (Michael Howard); A short obituary of Leo Martello; The Satanic Trickster by Rael Mendez; The Secret Life of Sax Rohmer by Nigel Jackson; The Diskouri: Greek Reflections of the Asvins by Karen F. Pierce; Old George Pickingill, the OTO and the Golden Dawn by E. W. Liddell; Hereditary Craft Matters by Evan John Jones; The Castrated Priests of Cybele by Caroline Tully. Includes book reviews of: The Pillars of Tubal Cain (Jackson & Howard), and One: The Grimoire of the Golden Toad (Chumbley).