The Cauldron (Sold Issues)
[Chumbley, Andrew D] THE MAGIC OF HISTORY: SOME CONSIDERATIONS (in The Cauldron, No. 109, 2003)
[Chumbley, Andrew D] THE MAGIC OF HISTORY: SOME CONSIDERATIONS (in The Cauldron, No. 109, 2003)
Edited by Michael Howard
The Cauldron - Witchcraft, Paganism & Folklore, No. 109 [UK]: August, 2003. First Edition. Stapled wrappers. Quarto (8.25 x 12 inches). 44pp. Cover art by Helen Oliver (Soror Pasht Akhti). Near Fine.
This issue includes The Magic of History - Some Considerations (with an illustration) by Andrew Chumbley. Other articles include: My Quest for Witchcraft in the 1960s by Donna Cole Schultz; On the Left Hand of God by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold; Polarity & the Sexual Mysteries by Brian M. Walsh; Slavic Summer Holidays and Customs by Andrija Filipovic; The Great Debate - Continued (Jani Farrell-Roberts responds to Professor Ronald Hutton's comments from issue 108); Musings on the Sacred by Shani [Oates]; Oak, Ash & Thorn by Mara Freeman; An Address to the Master [Lumial] at the Throne of God by Fr. Benan-Anisk.