The Cauldron (Sold Issues)
[Chumbley, Andrew D.] WHAT IS TRADITIONAL CRAFT? (in The Cauldron, No. 81, 1996)
[Chumbley, Andrew D.] WHAT IS TRADITIONAL CRAFT? (in The Cauldron, No. 81, 1996)
Edited by Michael Howard
The Cauldron - Pagan Journal of the Old Religion, No. 81 [UK]: Lammas / Harvest, 1996. First Edition. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 32pp. Cover art by Helen Field. Near Fine.
This issue includes What is Traditional Craft? A Brief Discourse Regarding the Nature of Traditional Witchcraft and Allied Forms of Magical Practice (15 pages) by Andrew Chumbley. Other articles include: Craft Teachings by Alastier Clay-Egerton; The Grail - Esoteric Core of Wicca by Prudence Jones; Pagan Unity by Geoff Wright.