The Cauldron (Sold Issues)
[Howard, Michael - Editor] THE CAULDRON: Pagan Journal of the Old Religion (Lot of 20 Issues, 1994-2006)
[Howard, Michael - Editor] THE CAULDRON: Pagan Journal of the Old Religion (Lot of 20 Issues, 1994-2006)
A collection of 20 (non-consecutive) issues of this esteemed Witchcraft & Pagan Journal. All issues are in very good or better condition. One of the issues has a laid-in letter which is signed by Michael Howard. All issues are now in individual plastic sleeves with cardboard backing. Each of the issues are pictured and all are described in full below.
[The Cauldron No. 72]. [UK]: May Eve / Midsummer, 1994. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 28pp. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Back to the Basics by Michael Howard; Robin Artisson: An Irish Devil Examined by Alby Stone; Tents, Not Cathedrals by Chas Clifton; Hexentanzplaze by Lady Aisha; A Short Disquisition Concerning Toad Lore by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson; From Thor to Rollright by Mike (Michael) Howard; Poussin: Pagan Art in 17th century France by Tony Grist & Arthur Cooke.
[The Cauldron No. 76]. [UK]: Beltane / Midsummer, 1995. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 32pp. 2-page handwritten letter laid in which is signed by Michael Howard. Also has Howard's address label to top of page. The letter is addressed to Grahame [?] and briefly discusses Gerald Gardner's family history, and also expresses interest in Grahame's article on Baphomet. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Out of the Shadows by Michael Howard; The Witches' Stang by Evan John Jones; The Pickingill Craft & The Northern Tradition by E.W. Liddell; The Truth is Out There (UFOs) by Michael Howard; Dew-Ponds, Moon-Raking & The Ritual of the Shroud by Cecil Williamson; Old Pouk, Hob-Satyrs & the Arcanum of the dark Goat by Nigel Jackson; A Postscript to the Walton Case by Cecil Williamson; The Shining Ones by Kathy Jones.
[The Cauldron No. 82]. [UK]: Hallows, Yule [1996]. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 32pp. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Sunlight & Shadows: Some Perspectives on hereditary & Old Crafte Practices by Robin; A Guide to Some Irish Faeries by Mearacan Puca; Not of This World (elementals, watchers, etc) by Evan John Jones; When Death Gets You by Kati Koppana; The Thirteenth Angle & The Mirror of Night by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson.
[The Cauldron No. 83]. [UK]: Candlemass / Eostre, 1997. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 32pp. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Gerald Gardner: The Man, the Myth & the Magick (Part One) by Michael Howard; Lord of the Morning Star (Lumiel) by Ashtan (Michael Howard); The Faery Folk in Cornwall by Kelvin I. Jones; A Family Craft Tradition by D.Mc.; The Spirals of Existence by Evan John Jones.
[The Cauldron No. 84]. [UK]: Beltame / Midsummer, 1997. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 36pp. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Gerald Gardner: The Man, the Myth & the Magick (Part Two) by Michael Howard; Robin the Hood by Scott Waverly; By the Dark Light of Lilith's Lantern by Ashtan (Michael Howard); The Spear of Odin by Alby Stone; Y Tylwyth Teg by Elfyn ap Rhossier; The Circle of Rebirth by Mandrake.
[The Cauldron No. 85]. [UK]: Lammas / Harvest Home, 1997. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 36pp. Cover art by David Taylor. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Gerald Gardner: The Man, the Myth & the Magick (Part Three) by Michael Howard; The Stag in Celtic Faith & Ritual by Marion K. Pearce; Scottish Faery Folk by Jamie McDonald; Keeping Faith With a Tradition by Philip Heselton; Hereward the Wake by Roger Singer; The Witches Cottage (no author); Sons of the Widow (Part One) by Ashtan (Michael Howard); The Athame by Rowan; American Folklore Discussed by Georgina Clark-Mazo.
[The Cauldron No. 86]. [UK]: Hallows / Yule, 1997. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 36pp. Cover art by Glennie Kindred. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Gerald Gardner: The Man, the Myth & the Magick (Part Four) by Michael Howard; Edric the Wild by Gareth Lewis; Sons of the Widow (Part Two) by Frater Ashtan (Michael Howard); The Faeries of Olde England by Margaret Pemberton; The Death Goddess by E.W. Liddell; The Witch in History by Diane Purkiss (a lengthy book review by Ronald Hutton); A book review of Kenneth Grant's Against the Light by Nigel Jackson.
[The Cauldron No. 87]. [UK]: Candlemass / Eostre, 1998. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 36pp. Cover art by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Child's Play by Evan John Jones; A Daughter of Pan (Rosalee Norton) by Michael Howard; Cry of the Banshee by Dermot O'Conner; The All-Seeing Eye by (and illustrated by) Nigel Aldcroft Jackson; Encounters With the Little People by Julia Phillips; Reminiscences of Gerald Gardner & His Crafte by Robin.
[The Cauldron No. 88]. [UK]: May, 1998. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 40pp. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Ley Lines: Dead and Buried. A Reappraisal of the Straight Line Enigma by Danny Sullivan; The Making of a Witches' Working Site by Evan John Jones; Gerald Gardner and the Keris by Julia Phillips; Pagan Germanic Creation Myths by Alby Stone; Paganism Today & The Interfaith Debate by Suzanne Ruthven; The Sacred Hare in Cornwall by Kelvin I. Jones; The Company of Light by Mary Graham; Second Sight by Gael; The Bull of the Golden Horns by Michael A. Howard & Nigel Aldcroft Jackson.
[The Cauldron No. 91]. [UK]: February, 1999. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 40pp. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Hod, God & Karma by Michael Howard; Dion Fortune: A Life in Magic (Part One) by Rose Sigel; The Windsor Demon by Tony Grist; So You Wannabe a Shaman, Huh? (Part One) by Joseph Bearwalker Wilson; Iterview with Cassandra Latham (The Witch of St. Buryan) by K.J. (Kelvin Jones); Witch-Fire Over Lancashire: The Wysard-Craft of North-West England by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson; Witches, Shamen, Gods and Spirits by Mark Gough; Goblins and Guardians by Steve Jones; Problems with Craft Initiation by Maurice Dancer.
[The Cauldron No. 92]. [UK]: May, 1999. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 40pp. Subscription reminder stamp to front right cover. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are Silver'd in the Moon's Eclipse by Marion Davies; Drugs & Delusion by E.W. Liddell; Was Grandma a Witch? by Evan John Jones; Two Roads to Magical Herbalism by Chas Clifton; Dion Fortune: A Magic Life (Part Two) by Rose Sigel; 5 pages of artwork by Wil Kingham; So You Wannabe a Shaman, Huh? (Part Two) by Joseph Bearwalker Wilson; Musick, Misterie & Melancolia: The Magical Vision of Peter Warlock by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson; Snarks and Boojums by Helen French; History of the Cunning Lodges by E.W. Liddell; The Horned One by Arthur Bosworth.
[The Cauldron No. 93]. [UK]: August, 1999. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 40pp. Cover art by Wil Kingham. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are The Mystery of Baphomet by Frater Ashtan (Michael Howard); The Craft, Self-Initiation & The Way Forward by Peter Nash; Problems Experienced with Witchcraft Initiation by Celia Mills; Initiation by Gwendydd; Working the Two Circles by Evan John Jones; An Alkemical Wedding by Anny Wyse; The Arcanum of the Magus (tarot) by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson; A Sacred Marriage by Helen French; So You Wannabe a Shaman, Huh? (Part Three) by Joseph Bearwalker Wilson; The Hobby Horse: an Enigma? by Kelvin I. Jones; Robert Graves & the White Goddess by Daniel Cohen.
[The Cauldron No. 95]. [UK]: February, 2000. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 40pp. Cover art by JET. Very Good. Some of the articles featured here are The Goddess Hecate by Thorn; The Cunning Man (an obituary of Cecil Williamson) by Michael Howard; Paganism, Magick & Crowley by Ronald Hutton; A Look Inside Dorothy Clutterbuck's Diaries by Philip Heselton; Italian Witchcraft by Silvio Baldassare; Candlemass & Hallowe'en by Evan John Jones; So You Wannabe a Shaman, Huh? (Part Five) by Joseph Berwalker Wilson; Manx Witchery by Astrophel; The Serpent and the Tree by Frater Ashtan (Michael Howard); Lore of the Land by Helen French. Horse Deities: The Legend if Renewal and Pagan Survivals by S. Loughi; The Wild Hunt: The Goddess & the Horned God in the Myths and legends of Tueto-Forest by Claudia Hamsadevi. Lengthy review of Ronald Hutton's book: The Triumph of the Moon.
[The Cauldron No. 96]. [UK]: 2000. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 40pp. Vover art by Andy Norfolk. Very Good. This issue includes Angel of the Earth by Frater Ashtan (Michael Howard); The Forgotten Folklorists of Old London by Michael Howard; Will of the Gods by Evan John Jones; Who are the Genius Loci by Kelvin I. Jones; Initiation, Cain & the Black Light of Hecate by Rose Sigel; Pagan Roman Chester by Tony Grist; Witchcraft in the Isle of Man (1964) by Gerald B. Gardner; Gerald Gardner & the New Forest Coven by E. W. Liddell; Stewart Farrar (1916-2000); Callanish - Ancient Wonder of the North by Frances Billinghurst; The Divine Child and the Cosmic Bull by Vincent Solomon; Immanence and Transcendence by Helen French; Herbs of Renewal by Marion Davies; To Curse or Not to Curse by Patrick Jasper Lee.
[The Cauldron No. 105]. [UK]: August, 2002. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 44pp. Cover art by Paul Huson. Very Good. This issue includes American Neo-Pagan and Occult Pioneers by Michael Howard; Celtic Reincarnation or Reconstruction? by Elfyn ap Rhossier; Hey John Barleycorn by Helen French; Druids and Witches by Philip Carr-Gomm; Megaliths in Ireland by Rose Sigel; Hexcraft in Modern France; The Tetratologist by Julia Phillips; Visiting Sacred Wells by Sarah J. Head; Yggdrasil Totems & The Human Body by Joel Hopkinson; The Lure of a Sexy Devil by Caroline Tully; The Magical Birch by Mara Freeman.
[The Cauldron No. 107]. [UK]: February, 2003. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 44pp. Cover art by Katlyn. Very Good. This issue includes Some Modern Myths Exposed by Voteporix; The Craft of the Horned God (Part Two) by E.W. Liddell; An Interview with Evan John Jones; A Lesson in Adaptabilty by Mary Rands; Holding Back the Years by Julian Vayne; The Heiress by Robert of Pendle; The Spear that Roars for Blood by Stuart France; Mary Butts (1890-1937) by Helen French; The Magister by Michael Howard; Within the Boneherd’s Cape (Obeah) by Docteur Azoth Kalafou; Origins (Romanies) by Iain Steele & Mary Dodsworth; Considerations and Terms by Chalkedris.
[The Cauldron No. 108]. [UK]: 2003. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 44pp. Cover art by Marc Potts. Very Good. This issue includes A New or Old Western Paganism? by Jani Farrell-Roberts; Polarity & the Sexual Mysteries by Brian M. Walsh; The Rite of the Rose and Skull Chalice by Evan John Jones; Interview with Phil Rickman by Julia Phillips; The Craft of the Horned God (Part Three) by E.W. Liddell; The Devil in Essex - Folk Magic in an English Village by Andrew Collins.
[The Cauldron No. 112]. [UK]: 2004. First Edition. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 44pp. This issue includes A Hereditary Witch’s Revelations (Robert Cochrane); Slavic Spring Holidays by Andrija Filpovic; Temples of the Celts by Jan Fries; Revesby, A Sabbatic Hill in Lincolnshire by Matt Baldwin-Ives; King of the Castleby Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold; Interview with Storm Constantine; Warts and All by Joseph Wilson; Old May Day & Midsummer in Wales by Michael Howard.
[The Cauldron No. 113]. [UK]: 2004. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 44pp. Cover art from the Richel Collection (Museum of Witchcraft). Very Good. This issue includes The Festival of Lammas by Ronald Hutton; A-Z of Witchcraft & Wicca (multi-page glossary of terms); The Cochrane Legacy by Shani Oates; Smugglers and Witches by Mike Howard; Tony Kelly and the Pagan Movement by Rhiannon Harrison; Dame Alchemia by Nigel Jackson; Snow White Revisited by Kate Gooch; Willow by Mara Freeman; Helen Douglas Adams & The Book of Shadows by Ash; Calls to the Horned God by E.W. Liddell.
[The Cauldron No. 119]. [UK]: February, 2006. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 46pp. Cover art by Daneil Schulke. Some pages bound out of order (but all pages present). Very Good. This issue includes A Reply to Shani Oates regarding ‘Royal Windsor Cuveen' by Ken Rees; Priestess of the Mysteries (Dion Fortune) by Mike Howard; A Price for Everything by Gary Nottingham; Force Fields by E.W. Liddell; A Pixies & Piskies by Ashley Jukes; Mystery of the Fool by Nigel Jackson; Echoes of Mithraism in the Yezidi Tradition by Payam Nabarz; Anglo-Saxon Witchcraft by Michael Howard; Witchcraft - Paganism or Religion? by Sophie; The Adversary by Michael Howard; Spirits of the Landscape by Nigel Pennick.