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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

The Cauldron (Sold Issues)

[Howard, Michael - Editor] THE CAULDRON - Pagan Journal of the Old Religion (No. 72, 1994)


[Howard, Michael - Editor] THE CAULDRON - Pagan Journal of the Old Religion (No. 72, 1994)


[The Cauldron No. 72]. [UK]: May Eve / Midsummer, 1994. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto (8.25 x 12 inches). 28pp. Near Fine.

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Some of the articles featured here are Back to the Basics by Michael Howard; Robin Artisson: An Irish Devil Examined by Alby Stone; Tents, Not Cathedrals by Chas Clifton; Hexentanzplaze by Lady Aisha; A Short Disquisition Concerning Toad Lore by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson; From Thor to Rollright by Mike (Michael) Howard; Poussin: Pagan Art in 17th Century France by Tony Grist & Arthur Cooke.