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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

The Cauldron (Sold Issues)

[Howard, Michael - Editor] THE CAULDRON - Pagan Journal of the Old Religion (No. 96, 2000)


[Howard, Michael - Editor] THE CAULDRON - Pagan Journal of the Old Religion (No. 96, 2000)


[The Cauldron No. 96]. [UK]: 2000. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto (8.25 x 12 inches). 40pp. Cover art by Andy Norfolk. Near Fine.

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This issue includes Angel of the Earth by Frater Ashtan (Michael Howard); The Forgotten Folklorists of Old London by Michael Howard; Will of the Gods by Evan John Jones; Who are the Genius Loci? by Kelvin I. Jones; Initiation, Cain & the Black Light of Hecate by Rose Sigel; Pagan Roman Chester by Tony Grist; Witchcraft in the Isle of Man (1964) by Gerald B. Gardner; Gerald Gardner & the New Forest Coven by E. W. Liddell; Stewart Farrar (1916-2000); Callanish - Ancient Wonder of the North by Frances Billinghurst; The Divine Child and the Cosmic Bull by Vincent Solomon; Immanence and Transcendence by Helen French; Herbs of Renewal by Marion Davies; To Curse or Not to Curse by Patrick Jasper Lee.