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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

The Cauldron (Sold Issues)

[Howard, Michael - Editor] THE CAULDRON - Witchcraft, Paganism & Folklore (No. 113, 2004)


[Howard, Michael - Editor] THE CAULDRON - Witchcraft, Paganism & Folklore (No. 113, 2004)


[The Cauldron No. 113]. [UK]: 2004. First Edition. Edited by Michael Howard. Stapled wrappers. Quarto (8.25 x 12 inches). 44pp. Cover art from the Richel Collection (Museum of Witchcraft). Very Good to Near Fine.

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This issue includes The Festival of Lammas by Ronald Hutton; A-Z of Witchcraft & Wicca (multi-page glossary of terms); The Cochrane Legacy by Shani Oates; Smugglers and Witches by Mike Howard; Tony Kelly and the Pagan Movement by Rhiannon Harrison; Dame Alchemia by Nigel Jackson; Snow White Revisited by Kate Gooch; Willow by Mara Freeman; Helen Douglas Adams & The Book of Shadows by Ash; Calls to the Horned God by E.W. Liddell.