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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

The Cauldron (Sold Issues)

[Schulke, Daniel A.] HERBAL CUNNING AS AN INDICIUM OF WITCHCRAFT (in The Cauldron, No. 118, 2005)

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[Schulke, Daniel A.] HERBAL CUNNING AS AN INDICIUM OF WITCHCRAFT (in The Cauldron, No. 118, 2005)


Edited by Michael Howard

The Cauldron - Witchcraft, Paganism & Folklore, No. 118 [UK]: November, 2005. First Edition. Stapled wrappers. Quarto. 44pp. Cover art by Glennie Kindred. Near Fine.

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This issue includes Herbal Cunning as an Indicium of Witchcraft by Daniel Schulke. Other articles include: Hekate: Goddess of the Three Ways by Caroline Tully; The Royal Windsor Cuveen by Kenneth Rees; A Response to the 'Royal Windsor Cuveen' by Shani Oates; The Red Thread - A Race Apart by Sara Hewitt; Symbolism of the Pentagram by E. W. Liddell; The Cadair Idris Star Map by Mike Harris; Moppet Magic by E. W. Liddell; Supernatural Dartmoor by Ashley Jukes; Through a Scanner Darkly: Magic Mirror Work by Charlotte Rodgers; Anglo-Saxon Witchcraft by Michael Howard; Sacred Smoke by Artio.