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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Vintage Fetish #2

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[DE WILDE, Dan] Torture at Elgranite Castle


[DE WILDE, Dan] Torture at Elgranite Castle


Jersey City: Diana Press, Inc., No date [1963]. First Edition. Stapled card covers. Octavo. 69pp. Cover art by Gene Bilbrew. One additional Bilbrew drawing and photos inside. A very good copy.

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Beauteous slave girls in exotic silks left to the tender mercies of a mad, stony-hearted brute and his servile lackey, both armed with a whip, rope and chain - this was Elgranite Castle with its horrendous torture chamber - sinister - wrapped in mystery - gripped by stark terror.