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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Vintage Fetish Publications #1

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[KLAW, Irving / MISHKIN, Edward] Initiation Punishment for Sorority Girl (1964)


[KLAW, Irving / MISHKIN, Edward] Initiation Punishment for Sorority Girl (1964)


New York: Candor Books (Nutrix / Mutrix), 1964. Copyright still credited to Nutrix Co. on the title page. Stapled wrappers. Octavo. 62pp. With 35 full-page drawings by Ruiz. A very good copy. Scarce.

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The story conveys what some girls will go through in order to get into a sorority. Adolfo Ruiz (labelled as "the Mexican artist") was one of the most productive artists for Irving Klaw in the 1950s. This edition has a Mutrix cover with Candor Books on the title page (both were Mishkin imprints). The copyright is still attributed to Nutrix and the contents are entirely by Klaw.