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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Vintage Fetish Publications #1

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[PADDINGTON, Rod] Spanking Fantasy: Bizarre Misadventure


[PADDINGTON, Rod] Spanking Fantasy: Bizarre Misadventure


Jersey City: Diana Press, Inc., No date [1963]. First Edition. Stapled card covers. Octavo. 69pp. Cover art by Gene Bilbrew. A few small illustrations inside (not by Bilbrew). Old price stamp to front, some rubbing to back cover. A few pages have some horizontal wrinkling but no affect to the text. A very good copy.

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Features a story called Bizarre Misadventure by Rod Paddington, plus letters to the editor, all concerning the fine art of spanking