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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Vintage Fetish Publications #1

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[MALKIN, Stanley] Bound Magazine No. 7 (1962)


[MALKIN, Stanley] Bound Magazine No. 7 (1962)


Jersey City: Satellite Publishing Co., No date [1962]. First Edition. Stapled color wrappers. Octavo. 70pp. Cover art and 10 full-page illustrations by Gene Bilbrew, plus cartoons by Stanton and Bilbrew. Some light edge and corner wear. Covers separated from staples. Short tears to spine ends of covers. A good copy.

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This volume includes part 5 of Bondage Hotel. Back cover indicates serial cartoons by Stanton and Bilbrew are included in this volume but they evidently didn't make it in. Both artist's names misspelled on back cover.  Bound magazine was the first publication issued by Satellite Publishing Company (founded by Stanley Malkin, Edward Mishkin, and Eric Stanton).