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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Vintage Fetish Publications #1

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[BURTMAN, Leonard] Exotique. A New Publication of the Bizarre and the Unusual. No. 15 (1957)


[BURTMAN, Leonard] Exotique. A New Publication of the Bizarre and the Unusual. No. 15 (1957)


New York: Burmel Publishing Co., No date [1957]. First Edition. Stapled color wrappers. Octavo. 64pp. Cover art by Gene Bilbrew. Additional artwork by Bilbrew and Eric Stanton inside, plus b&w photos. Old price stamp to front, some staple holes near foredge, light edge and corner wear. A very good copy.

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Contents include :Farewell Party" (fiction by Ellen Harris); Letters from Readers; La Cabeza Humana - Conclusion (fiction by Allan Wilson); From Me to You - a Column by Tana Louise (Burtman's wife). Cartoon serial by Gene Bilbrew called "Mistress."