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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Vintage Fetish Publications #1

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[BURTMAN, Leonard] Panty Raid .... and other stories of Transvestism & Female Impersonation, No. C-18 (1963)


[BURTMAN, Leonard] Panty Raid .... and other stories of Transvestism & Female Impersonation, No. C-18 (1963)


New York: Selbee Associates, 1963. First Edition. Stapled pictorial wrappers. Octavo. 64pp. Covers (front & back) and interior graphite illustrations by Eric Stanton. A very good copy.

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Title story is by Carlson Wade, plus "Undercover News" by L.J. Chieco, "Costumed Vacation" by Lynn, and a short correspondence section at end of volume.