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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Vintage Fetish Publications #1

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[HERBERT, Benson - Editor] Fads and Fancies No. 4 (1950)


[HERBERT, Benson - Editor] Fads and Fancies No. 4 (1950)


London: Utopian Press, no date (1950). First Edition. Stapled color card covers. Small quarto (7 x 9 inches). 32pp. Cover artwork and additional drawings by Janine (Reina M. Bull). A very good copy.

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British fetish magazine. With letters from readers plus a cartoon serial called The Adventures of Delia, Episode 6: The Belle of the Ball, by Aubrey Lamonte.

Utopian Press was initially set up to publish science fiction pamphlets but the editor, Benson Herbert, had a taste for the more exotic side of publishing, with many of the covers featuring pin-up style art work. Herbert eventually concentrated his efforts on producing saucy magazines. Herbert found a niche in the fetish market, with the first Fads and Fancies being published as a supplement in Sporty Stories (January 1950). Fads and Fancies continued as a supplement in his other monthlies until June 1950, when it was published in its own right for the first time.

In theme and style, Fads and Fancies was a descendant of ‘London Life”, which was bombed out of existence in 1941. Fads and Fancies was lavishly illustrated throughout by Reina M. Bull, who also signed her work RMB and, in all Fads and Fancies, as Janine. Janine's artistry illuminates many written descriptions with drawings of voluptuous beauties in stockings, garters, bloomers, corsets, hats, and high heels. Her busty matrons present themselves, celebrating their own fleshy femininity adorned with lace, ruffles, bows and feathers. The content is pretty much exclusively letters from readers, numbered consecutively for easy future reference. These cover a range of subjects and interests, including much talk about female underwear, heels, skirts, and up skirt views, with writers discussing knickers, panties, nylons, high heels, corsets, anklets, jewellery, cosmetics, hobble skirts, lace, garters, and horses. Yes, horses.