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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Vintage Fetish Publications #1

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[MALKIN, Stanley] How to Tame a Roommate (1961)


[MALKIN, Stanley] How to Tame a Roommate (1961)


Jersey City: Satellite Publishing (Stanley Malkin), No date [1961]. First Edition. Stapled card covers. Octavo. 38pp. Cover art and 16 full-page illustrations inside by Eric Stanton (inked by Steve Ditko). Some edge and handling wear. A very good copy. Scarce.

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Unknown to Stanton at the time, this volume (along with two others) was brought to the attention of the FBI, for them to determine if it was prosecutable for obscenity charges. The case was eventually dropped. Here we have a fighting girl's story at its best, as two girl roommates struggle for the love of a handsome man, with the loser forced into leather bondage. Imagine that.