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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Vintage Fetish Publications #1

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[STANTON, Eric] Pleasure Bound 2 (Cartoon Illustrated)


[STANTON, Eric] Pleasure Bound 2 (Cartoon Illustrated)


No Place: No Publisher (probably Flag Publications), No date (late 1960’s). Stapled card covers. Octavo. 28pp. Illustrated by Eric Stanton. Small corner crease to lower right front. A very good copy.

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Part 2 of Pleasure Bound, a serial that was first released by Irving Klaw in 1952, with part 2 following shortly thereafter. It was originally released and sold by episode via Klaw's mail order business. Each volume saw a separate publication as a Nutrix booklet in 1961. This edition is a later reprint.