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Specializing in Vintage Fetish Publications, Erotica & Curiosa, Occult & Esoteric Studies, and more.

Vintage Fetish Publications #1

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[WILLIE, John (John A. S. Coutts)] Gwendoline and "The Missing Princess"


[WILLIE, John (John A. S. Coutts)] Gwendoline and "The Missing Princess"


No place: No Publisher [most likely Esquire Press, Chicago], No date [late 1950s]. Wrappers (pink textured cover with pink lettering on a blue background). Small octavo (approx. 5 x 7 inches). Unpaginated [44 total pages, last page blank]. Illustrated throughout by Willie. Price stamp to front, light rubbing to covers. A very good copy. Quite scarce.

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This serial is the strongest, most explicit, and most sadistic work by "John Willie" that the artist ever published. It was originally offered and sold as a work in progress to subscribers, via mail-order in 1951 and 1952. The rights to the story and the original artwork were eventually sold to Irving Klaw. When Klaw got a hold of the artwork he had Eric Stanton alter the images by adding clothing to the exposed breasts and bottoms, as well as removing the whips and whip marks. Stanton suggested that this be done with acetate overlays to protect and preserve the original art but this idea was rejected by Klaw.  This is a pirated edition with no reference to "John Willie" mentioned. Though complete, some of the pages are out of order and a few of the images have been altered but many of the topless images remain.